It’s Troye Sivan’s 21st birthday today, and on his special day we’d like to take a look at all the reasons why we love him so much. Realistically, the list would be endless, but we know you can’t wait to get back to watching his videos or scrolling through his Tumblr. So, we’ve managed to narrow it down to 10. Check it out!

10. His Artistry

Troye’s artistic style pushes boundaries while reflecting today’s culture, and experiments with new ideas while borrowing elements of the past. Many of his songs are backed with synthetic instruments, which are said to define a new era of music, yet their lyrics discuss age-old topics of young romance and freedom. Even his stage decor — which consists of 3 lit-up house frames — resembles futuristic-seeming modern art, but its brightness and sleek beauty are a perfect reflection of today’s pop culture.

10 Reasons Why We Love Troye Sivan 1

9. His Fashion

Troye’s aesthetically-pleasing style of clothing is vintage, but with a modern twist. Scrolling through his Instagram account, you will find everything from letterman jackets from the 70’s, bold pants that were the hype of the 80’s, and baggy shirts common in the 90’s. Troye’s clothes mark a unique part of his identity, and he embraces it fully. What’s more, he encourages his followers on Twitter to do the same (warning: explicit language):

life tip: wear whatever the fuck u want, its so fun!!!

— ?? (@troyesivan) May 15, 2016

8. His Many, Many Talents

Is there anything Troye can’t do? He conquers YouTube with his channel of more than 4 million subscribers, his debut album Blue Neighbourhood is certified gold in Australia, and he appeared in movies such as X-Men Origins: Wolverine and the Spud trilogy. Troye is truly a man of many talents, yet despite all his success he has remained humble and true to himself.

7. His Favorite Food is Mac and Cheese, and the Reason is Heartwarming

In December 2015, Troye visited a cheese shop where he learned how to make mac and cheese, and documented it on his VEVO channel. “[Mac and cheese] was just my favorite food growing up,” Troye explained while sprinkling some mozzarella over a steaming pot. “And I travel a lot, and mac and cheese is something I can find in a lot of places. And so it’s very comforting for me whenever I get to eat it when I’m away from home.” Thanks Troye, now whenever we eat mac and cheese we cry because that is honestly the sweetest thing we’ve ever heard…or is that just us? Anyway, check out the full video:

6. He Always Finds Time to Spend With His Parents

Troye has been touring for much of 2015 and almost all of 2016, yet he still has time to treat his parents to adventures around the world. Most recently, he took his parents to a modern art museum and posted the adorable pictures of his mom on Twitter:

took mum to a modern art museum for the first time

— ?? (@troyesivan) June 1, 2016

And in February, he went around Portland with his dad, as noted by this Instagram post:

5. His Lyrics are Beautiful and Thought-Provoking

“Tripping on skies, sipping waterfalls.” “The truth runs wild like a tear down a cheek.” “Swallow nostalgia, chase it with lime. Better than dwelling, and chasing time.” Troye’s lyrics inspire emotion, bring up old memories, and reveal truths about our society that we may not like to face — and do it all artistically and masterfully. The images he paints and feelings he conjures with his words strike our hearts, and will keep his music timeless.

4. He Pours His Heart Into His Music

Troye shows true dedication to his work. He helped write every song on Blue Neighbourhood, ensuring the album to be a genuine piece of his heart. It’s one of the reasons we enjoy his music so much, because we know it comes straight from Troye himself.

3. He Always Appreciates His Fans

Just as we admire Troye for his amazing work, he is always thanking us, his fans, for all our support. For example, right after his performance at the Billboard Music Awards he took to Twitter to express his gratitude for his fans:

Thank you to every single one of you guys

— ?? (@troyesivan) May 23, 2016

Knowing you were there for me tonight comforted me more than you'll ever imagine

— ?? (@troyesivan) May 23, 2016

Additionally, he greets every fan he meets with respect and a hug, and often buys food for fans who are queueing outside the venue.

Troye bought the fans in line pizza before today's show in Birmingham

— Troye Sivan News (@_TroyeSivanNews) April 23, 2016

2. His Involvement with the LBGT+ Community

As an openly gay artist, Troye consistently speaks out for LGBT+ rights, and helps and inspires many LGBT+ youth. For example, last week he helped a transgender teen courageously come out to his father:

Simply the fact that Troye fully embraces his sexuality in an industry that is traditionally homophobic speaks volumes of his strength. He has inspired millions of people struggling with their identity to love their true selves — something with a significance beyond words.

1. How Far He’s Come

Troye started out as a timid kid sharing covers and vlogs with his small community of subscribers. Now, he’s a brave 21-year-old with almost 4 million Twitter followers, traveling all over the world and continuing to share his passions. His genuinity, pure talent, and indiscriminate love capture the hearts of all he encounters. He is taking the world by storm, one painted fingernail and inspiring lyric at a time. And we’ll be there for him every step of the way.

CelebMix wishes the happiest of birthdays to Troye Sivan. Thank you for giving us so many reasons to love you!

What are the things you love about Troye? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @CelebMix!
