In what many have described as a very tasteless statement, Casey Anthony has revealed that she is considering having another child while she is still in the right age for it.

The woman had been out of the spotlight for some time now, after previously becoming a huge controversial sensation for the killing of her child.

Back then, the young girl died in mysterious circumstances that cast a lot of doubt on Anthony’s story.

It was eventually revealed that the woman had drugged her daughter, hoping that this would put her to rest long enough for her to attend a party. However, she had overestimated the dose and ended up killing her girl.

Anthony showed no remorse over her actions, even being caught laughing in the courtroom on multiple occasions.

She has tried to explain that she was not the monster the media portrayed her as, and she just did not want to show her sadness to the world, something which had apparently been ingrained in her from a young age.

She added that she had never considered committing suicide over the situation, describing it as “a coward’s way out.”

Still it is undeniable that her actions left a sour taste in many people’s mouths, and her recent announcement that she might want to be a mother again has been met with a lot of controversies, to the point where some people have questioned if she should be legally allowed to do so in the first place.

However, there does not seem to be a clear response to that. Many people reacted to the story with some harsh comments.

One person said: “Wtf? Florida, you win the prize for being the most backward state in America..”

This social media user stated: “For those who don’t know: Casey Anthony killed her three-year-old daughter in the most “I’m obviously fu**ing guilty” cases in recent history, but got away with it because our judicial system is a circus. God will be the one to give her goal judgment. I myself hope she can never have another child.”

Another critic wrote: “Her parents should be ashamed of them themselves!! They know she killed that child. All 3 are going in front of god one day. well since the court won’t punish her for being a murder, Hell will.”


Anthony’s father, George Anthony, says he wants to reconcile with her.
