Dallas cosmetologist Amy Pearson is being bashed on social media for making the slant eye gesture that was captured by a TikToker, Ashrey Park. As per the video shared, the former was going the wrong way on a one-way street to steal a parking space. Later, she kept on repeating the gesture, even when the video was on.

Tirgger warning: This article contains details about racism and racist behavior which may be triggering. Discretion is advised.

The video was captioned:

“She had come into a one-way lane, going the wrong direction, to steal a parking spot that I had clearly been waiting for. She got upset and made a racist gesture at me.”
Ashrey uploaded a video where a Texas-based cosmetologist can be seen making racist remarks towards the TikToker. (Image via TikTok)

As soon as Ashrey uploaded the video, Amy Pearson started getting a lot of backlash for her racist gestures. People took to social media to call Pearson out.

A social media user commented "make her lose everything" on the video posted by the TikToker. (Image via TikTok)

The TikToker reported that the incident took place at a parking lot of the North Park Center shopping mall. Further, it is unclear as to when the incident took place, however, Ashrey uploaded the first video on December 28, 2022.

Netizens bash Amy Pearson for making racist gesture after a verbal spat with TikToker Ashrey Park

After passing on racist gestures towards the TikToker, Amy Pearson is being brutally trolled for her actions. While many called her “embarrassing,” others also pointed out how she was driving an “Asian car.”

Others dug deeper and took out Amy’s previous records.

The video has been shared multiple times on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and the woman was ultimately identified by another TikTok user.

Another TikTok user, ThatDaneshGuy, identified the woman in the video as Amy Pearson, a licensed cosmetologist in Kaufman County

A TikTok user, with 1.5 million followers who is famous for identifying people in viral videos identified Amy Pearson’s job, and where exactly she works.

In a video posted by Danesh, he did extensive research that led him to the actual Amy Pearson who was in the video. He claimed that this way he could find out who the real Amy is, and where she works. Posting the video on Instagram, he also said:

“If you're in Kaufman County, Texas, don't get your haircut by Amy Pearson.”

He later made another video claiming that the word about the woman’s name being Amy Pearson was already out. However, he said that he did all the digging in finding out what the woman does for a living, and where she operates. In his video, he said:

“I was the one to find out what she does, and the way I did that was pretty interesting. You see, after finding hints on her Facebook that she does hair, I found her cosmetology license.”

He showed how he found other details about her workplace and later confirmed if it was really Amy by texting the number which was given with all the details.

Adding screenshots of their conversation, Danesh showed how he texted her if she would tell her side of the story, and if she was willing to give an apology for her actions. To this, Pearson responded by saying that she has already canceled work today, as she has received hundreds of threats.

Furthermore, neither Amy nor anyone from her friends or family has responded to the backlash and her “inappropriate” gestures.

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