Lost Ark players will come across many different items during their playthrough of the game. Players can find different items that they can immediately use, such as equipment. However, they can also stumble upon various materials. Knight's Oath is a material that players can use to obtain sets such as the Seraphic Oath Set within the game. Here is how players can find Knight's Oath in Lost Ark.
How players can find Knight's Oath in Lost Ark
Before players are able to get Knight's Oath, they need to ensure that they have reached the correct level and item level. To find Knight's Oath, players need to complete Abyssal Dungeons, which will require them to have a minimum item level of 340. Once they have reached this level, they must also complete the quest 'Waiting and Leaving,' which is located in North Vern.
Entering the Abyssal Dungeons
Once players have completed the requirements above, they will be able to participate in Abyssal Dungeons by traveling to the blue portal located in any major city. These are not solo endeavors, and players must participate with a team of 4 people in order to complete the Abyssal Dungeon. However, there are only certain Abyssal Dungeons that can give players the Knight's Oath. Those dungeons are:
- Necromancer's Origin - Players can run this to gain 8 Knight's Oath per successful run.
- Demon's Beast Canyon - Players can run this to gain 5 Knight's Oath per successful run.
It should be noted that players can run the Abyssal Dungeons for a maximum of three times per week, per character. This means that for running Necromancer's Origin for the maximum amount of times, a player would yield 24 Knight's Oath. Similarly, for running Demon's Beast Canyon, the player would yield 15 Knight's Oath. This allows for a maximum total yield of 39 Knight's Oath per character per week.
Players can craft special set gear using the Knight's Oath
Once players have collected enough Knight's Oaths, they can take it to the NPC for Crafting Abyss Equipment, which is available in every major city. Upon talking to them, players will be able to target specific gear to craft using this resource, such as the Seraphic Oath set. However, players can target any specific piece of set gear that they desire, provided they have enough materials for it.
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