Ja Morant has been involved in several controversies over the last few weeks. The Memphis Grizzlies guard is one of the NBA's most talented players, but all of this drama is starting to tarnish his image.
Morant was involved in a laser incident after a Jan. 29 game against the Indiana Pacers. Due to this, his friend was banned from attending games at FedEx Forum, which is not something Morant is happy about.
The Grizzlies superstar called out the media for trying to portray him and his family in a negative way. However, NBA fans made fun of him, calling him a fake tough guy.

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Morant is not only a fantastic basketball player, but he is also very fun to watch. Thanks to his impressive performances, the Memphis Grizzlies (33-21) have the second-best record in the Western Conference and could have a deep playoff run.
However, Morant's off-the-court behavior is somewhat unacceptable. The situation has gotten worse since the Jan. 29 matchup against the Indiana Pacers. Following the game, someone from Morant's vehicle pointed lasers at members of the opposing team.
The former Rookie of the Year has been criticized by basketball fans on Twitter. He seems to be looking for drama, and it's not something that fans enjoy. One Twitter user believes that the player will ruin his basketball career because of his fake tough guy act.
Ja Morant loves acting tough and is a big reason why the Memphis Grizzlies are one of the NBA's most hated teams. While they have a young, likable team, they try to act tough, which is what's made them a laughingstock.
You may be interested in reading: Why was Ja Morant's friend banned? Laser incident explained
The NBA hasn't suspended Morant for his behavior, but his friend was banned from attending home games. However, if the two-time All-Star doesn't change, he may face sanctions from the league.
Morant may have threatened to shoot a fan
The Grizzlies were one of the most pleasant surprises of the 2021-22 season. They finished 56-26 and reached the second round of the playoffs, where they played against the Golden State Warriors.
Ja Morant appeared in three games of the series, averaging 38.3 points per game. However, he was sidelined by an injury. The Grizzlies lost the series in six games, and Morant may have threatened to shoot a fan after the loss.
"It’s free to see how hollows feel," Morant tweeted after Game 6.You may be interested in reading: What did Shannon Sharpe say about Ja Morant? Internet responds with memes in wake of analyst's savage diss
"Hollows" is most likely a reference to hollow-point bullets, which is why many fans believe Morant threatened to shoot a Twitter user. The Grizzlies guard ended up removing the tweet, but many users took screenshots of it before its removal.
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