Ace of Base saw the signs, but have you? I’m always shocked by how many people have lived their entire lives with the gift of clairvoyance but never realized the power they possessed.

Friends and followers often reach out with a similar concern: “How do I know if I’ma clairvoyant person or not”? There isn’t a simple answer. But there are ways to figure it out.

I usually ask the following questions as a way to get a definite answer. Is sight your superpower? Can you see different colored lights around people?

Do you find yourself incredibly moved by sculptures, flowers, and other physical objects? Do you see glittering lights, floating shadows, or colored dots in the air?

These are some of the things that spiritually gifted clairvoyants experience. Have you been asking yourself whether or not you might be clairvoyant? If so, you came to the right place.

In this article, I’ll cover the definition of clairvoyance and talk about the most common clairvoyance signs to determine if you possess this gift. I’ve also created a test that can help you decide ‘yay or ‘nay’ when it comes to ESP vision.

What Is Clairvoyance? The Definition

The word “clairvoyance” is the combination of two French words clair and voyance/voyant (present participle of “voir” which refers to “to see”). The first word of this combination literally means “clear” and the second one translates to “vision/seeing”.

So, according to this translation, a clairvoyant is a clear-sighted person who is keenly perceptive.

It’s one of the major psychic abilities that allows you to tap into the knowledge of your soul, and the collective knowledge of all souls of the universe, including those of the past and those not manifested yet.

If you are clairvoyant, you can receive intuitive information through colors, images, visions, dreams, and symbols. This “inner seeing” is very subtle most of the time and will typically happen within your mind’s eye.

Although there is no scientific evidence that proves these psychic phenomena, people experience them all the time. You’ve probably experienced clairvoyance manifesting itself in some way during your life but didn’t recognize it for what it was!

It might be that you discredited your clairvoyant powers as a daydream, wandering of the mind, wishful thinking, or imagination.

It’s not strange that you confused your clairvoyant abilities with imagination or wandering of the mind. This is actually quite common!

Our intuitive abilities manifest from the same side – the right side – of the brain that houses our creative centers, including imagination. And this imagination carries the seeds of clairvoyant visions and shapes.

They’ll manifest in the same way as other creative and free expressions of your soul – with imagery.

Brief History of Clairvoyance

The word clairvoyance was first used in 1665-1675 in France and for nearly 200 it meant the same in English as well. But later in the 19th century, it took the meaning of “having second sight, great insight, or psychic gifts”.

So now, it means that a clairvoyant person is someone who can perceive things beyond the natural range of human senses or predict future events.

It’s important to note that there is ongoing disagreement regarding the existence of this psi phenomenon because of the real-life experiences of people.

There are different societies around the world that are dedicated to the study of this concept. In 1882, the Society for Psychical Research was founded in London, followed by similar societies in other countries, including Japan, Russia, Italy, France, the Netherlands, and the US.

We also find evidence of clairvoyance throughout our history and different religions. For example, Christianity acknowledges instances of clairvoyance.

Some popular saints like Anne Catherine Emmerich, Padre Pio, and Columba of Iona are believed to have received divine gifts of perceiving beyond normal sensory perception. Jesus Christ himself is mentioned in the Gospels as having knowledge beyond his immediate human senses.

We also find mentions of clairvoyance in Jainism and it’s considered one of the five types of knowledge, associated with beings in heaven and hell.

Clairvoyant Signs

Clairvoyance doesn’t always rise and makes its first appearance dramatically. You might not have an extensive dream or clear vision.

Usually, it’s much more subtle than that and there are many clairvoyant people walking around this world who don’t even know they have this super-cool psychic gift. Are you one of them? Let’s find out!

Here are the 9 most common signs of clairvoyance parapsychological phenomena, suggesting that you could possess clairvoyant psychic abilities. Keep in mind that you don’t have to be able to say “yes” to all of these to be a clairvoyant psychic.

1. You See Flashes of Light and Color

Do you see glittering lights, floating shadows, or colored dots in the air? Stop thinking you’re going crazy, actually far from it – you’re just gifted!

Flashes of light and color often serve as a sign that Higher Spirits, those in heaven, or other members of your spiritual team are around you. A Spirit can be looking for your attention to relay important information. You might see:

  • Floating orbs or colored dots in the space around you
  • Shadows that seem like they are floating in the air
  • Glittering or flashing lights in the space around you
  • Movement and twinkling lights in the corners of your eyes

The idea of Spirits might scare you, but there is nothing to be frightened about. Guidance from Angels or Spirits Guides will normally be delivered with love, and people experience this guidance as useful, valuable, and fun.

2. Clairvoyants Tend to Daydream a Lot

Are you often wandering off into your own thoughts? Do you daydream and “zone out” many times a day? Do you frequently imagine things in your head almost to the point that you are living inside your head instead of out in the real world?

If so, this can be a sign that you are clairvoyant, as this is extremely typical. It is because clairvoyance has to do with seeing and visualization is a huge part of that!

That’s why clairvoyants can imagine themselves in other situations and such visualization comes naturally to them.

3. You Have Frequent And/or Vivid Dreams

If you are having dreams that feel so real to you, you have what’s called vivid dreams. These dreams are very bright with color and are so close to reality that you can pick out which is which.

I’ve found that clairvoyants are very visual people, their sight is extremely active, even in sleep. That’s why you tend to experience frequent and/or vivid dreams if you’re clairvoyant.

Sometimes, these dreams may be visions or tell a story that provides insights into what is happening in real life.

4. You Have a Deep Connection with Beautiful Things

Do you love going to a museum to look at beautiful art? Are you incredibly moved by sculptures, flowers, and other physical objects? Are you drawn to a career like graphic design or photography?

You might assume that everyone does, but this isn’t so. Some people are much more attracted to aesthetics than others. Some love art while others couldn’t care less about sculpture or visual representations.

If you are clairvoyant, you tend to really appreciate the beautiful things in life and love creative hobbies, like painting, drawing, or photography.

This has to do with the fact that clairvoyance is strongly related to your visual senses. So, if creative hobbies rock your world, it’s a sign that you might be clairvoyant.

5. You See Things Moving in the Corner of Your Eye

Do you see things out of the corner of your eyes, to the point where you are actually double-checking that you didn’t just see someone? If you do and find that there’s nothing there. These might be ‘earthbound’ spirits, floating around in space.

Earthbound spirits are the mental or emotional bodies of deceased people, who have not fully crossed over for some reason. Clairvoyants not only have the ability to see Spirit Guides but, in some cases, also see earthbound spirits.

This ability can be quite scary, but it doesn’t need to be. Embracing your gift will make this less of an uncomfortable situation when it happens.

6. Clairvoyants Can See Auras or Glowing Lights Around People

As a clairvoyant, you may perceive various colored lights surrounding individuals you encounter in different settings like home, work, or public places. These lights represent the visual manifestations of auric fields, which consist of electromagnetic energies.

Auric fields carry significant information about people’s lives and emotions, aiding your understanding of their current state.

If you are unfamiliar with reading auras, you can follow the following exercise:

Have the person whose aura you want to read sit against a white background, then relax and intentionally allow your eyes to go out of focus.

7. As a Clairvoyant, You See How Things Fit Together

Can you see in your mind’s eye how something should be so that it works properly? Are you a master at solving difficult puzzles or complicated problems? Do you easily see how different pieces fit together while others are already struggling with it for hours?

Many clairvoyants find they naturally understand how things and ideas link together and again, this all comes back to how visual those with the gift of clairvoyance are.

8. You Are Good at Envisioning Plans in Your Head

Do you often create entire scenes in your mind about the future? Do you have a special talent for creating new designs?

People with clairvoyant abilities have a strongly developed sense of sight. That’s why they can plan and envision things in their head and see an end result even before the start of a project.

9. A Clairvoyant Has a Great Sense of Direction

Should Siri ask you for directions instead of giving it to you? Do others treat you as a human GPS?

This might be another sign that you are clairvoyant, as you can see things in a way that others can’t. Because of your strong visualization skills, travel can seem like a breeze.

How to Deal with Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is the ability to see past our traditional senses. I’ve always viewed my clairvoyance as a talent or a superpower in a sense. Being able to see beyond what others perceive as reality has many benefits.

But I’ve found that with all gifts, there are drawbacks as well. Many untrained psychics yet naturally talented people have difficulty dealing with their psychic abilities at first. This isn’t uncommon or something that you should be ashamed of.

Take Pablo Picasso, for example. Although he was one of the most famous artists to have ever lived, he had trouble learning and struggled with the dyslexia problem.

Because the dyslexia problem is a language-based learning disorder that also has a visual component, it affected Picasso’s perception of reality.

This undoubtedly influenced his work. It is also what led him to pursue art in the first place after being labeled ‘reading blind’ and dropping out of school.

Tips to Deal with Your Clairvoyant Abilities

Picasso eventually mastered his gifts, and so can you. Here are a few tips for the clairvoyant with newly discovered abilities:

Don’t Doubt What You Can Do

If you’ve ever read the book or seen the movie, the Giver, you probably remember the scene where the main character, Jonas, realized that he had an extraordinary gift.

Unlike others in his Utopian society, Jonas could see color. To everyone else, an apple (and every other object) was a single monotone hue. But Jonas was able to see beyond what was on the surface, even if just for a split second.

When Jonas’s ginger-headed friend, Fiona, came to talk to him, her hair seemed to ‘glitch.’ He could see that it was red, just like the apple he had spotted a while back. If Jonas had mentioned this to others, they would have thought he was crazy.

In some instances, the same will be true for a clairvoyant. Thankfully, you, like Jonas, are not alone. He found support from ‘The Giver’ and was able to use his abilities for the greater good of his society, and so can you.

Strengthen Your Third Eye

One key to dealing with clairvoyance is honing your abilities and gaining as much control over them as possible. Doing this takes away some of the fear and anxiety that plagues the untrained psychic.

This is because you’ll see most of your visions inside your mind’s third eye. Working on opening and strengthening this chakra center is critical.

Practice Using Your Abilities Deliberately

If you are in a place with lots of people, try to see their auras. Close your eyes and visualize flowers, numbers, and other objects. When you see a Spirit or orb out of the corner of your eye, don’t run from it. Instead, focus on ‘seeing beyond.’

Meditate Often

Even though this tip is the most practice for a clairvoyant, it has become almost cliche. It is through meditation that all people, even those who don’t consider themselves psychic, can improve their intuition and connection to self.

I have known people who lived their whole lives with the limited psychic ability to become spiritual rock stars after a few months of meditation. So, if you don’t know much about meditation, do some research and give it a try.

Clairvoyant Game

Here’s a simple clairvoyant game you can play:

Have your spouse or a friend place 7 or 8 items on a stable surface such as a table or countertop while you are out of the room. Once everything is in place, set a timer and walk into the room. Allow yourself 10-15 seconds to study all of the items.

Walk back out of the room and try to see the picture in your mind. Jot down as much as you can remember about every object (color, size, shape, position, etc.) and see how well you did. Techniques like this will help you strengthen your ability to visualize.

Clairvoyance Test

Do you feel like you need help to hone your skills? Take this clairvoyance test to see where you stand.

Take a look at the images below. See if you can get a read on them. Who are they? Or if it is an object, who did it belong to? What were they used for? Is there a sense of sadness attached? Or positive, perhaps?

Once you’ve got a good read on them, scroll down and read the bit of information for each piece.

Clairvoyance Test – Picture 1

The first picture shows an Edwardian necklace that was recovered from a depth of two and a half miles under the sea, a century after the tragic sinking of the Titanic.

In 1997, the necklace was found inside a bag along with other jewels. While the exact owner remains unknown, it is believed to have belonged to a victim of the tragic sinking.

Clairvoyance Test – picture 2

What kind of vibe did you get from the second image? This is a bible quilt that belonged to Harriet Powers, a Civil War-era slave from the state of Georgia.

History has it that Mrs. Powers sold her handmade quilt for five dollars after being freed but falling on hard times. However, she insisted that the person buying it learn about each bible scene stitched onto the quilt before purchasing it. It is now on display at the Smithsonian.

Clairvoyance Test – Picture 3

If you’re happy and you know it, go for a swim. This picture is of a beach in Finland–dubbed by experts as the “happiest place on earth”.

Why are people in Finland filled with so much joy? High-quality education, equal pay for both men and women, as well as good healthcare.

Clairvoyance Test – Picture 4

She may look like a sweet granny, but 86-year-old Johanna Quaas is a force to be reckoned with. She’s in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s oldest gymnast.

Her husband is also a gymnast and together, they have three daughters. She still competes regularly and is quoted as saying: “My face is old, but my heart is still young”.

Clairvoyance Test – Picture 5

eBay’s co-founder Pierre Omidyar is not only a wealthy businessman but he is also ranked as one of the most giving men on earth.

He is a part of the Bill Gates ‘Giving Pledge’ and has donated over a billion dollars to various charities that help with homelessness, hunger, and other causes.

Clairvoyance Test Results

This brings us to the end of our test and I’m curious as to how well you did. However, I must say that as fun as I found this exercise, it’s hard to test clairvoyance online. I know many psychics who have a hard time reading images and do better in person.

So not getting the right ‘vibes’ from the images above doesn’t mean that you’re not clairvoyant. These types of exercises are something you should practice if you’re wanting to ‘beef up’ your natural gift.

Most Common Clairvoyance Questions Answered

The response and questions I received from my readers have been wonderfully overwhelming. I am extremely grateful to have these interactions and while I am responding to every message I get, I’m answering the most frequently asked questions about clairvoyant abilities and how to strengthen them here.

What Does Clairvoyance Mean?

Clairvoyance is the ability to gain information about a person or object through extrasensory perception. The term comes from the French words clair (meaning means clear) and voyance (meaning vision). Clairvoyance is one of the major psychic abilities and thus translates to “clear seeing”. This psychic ability allows tapping into the soul and the collective knowledge of all souls of the universe.

What is clairvoyance in psychology?

In psychology, the description of being Clairvoyant is slightly different from the explanation in layman’s terms. Clairvoyance is the knowledge of information that is generally not known to any other person, not obtained by any ordinary channels of reasoning, and comes as a form of ESP, extrasensory perception.

How do you become a clairvoyant?

If you are clairvoyant, you’re able to receive intuitive information through colors, images, visions, dreams, and symbols. Sounds cool, doesn’t it? And the good part is that you can improve your clairvoyant abilities by following some simple steps and daily practice. But remember it requires time, practice, and patience. You can always take this clairvoyance test to see where you stand.

How can I improve my clairvoyant abilities?

When the body and mind are relaxed, intuitive experiences happen. You can strengthen your clairvoyant abilities by observing what is happening to your body. Focus on your energy levels and pay attention to how you feel around other people. Another tool is to practice focusing on the flashes of light and color you receive. Becoming aware through meditation, journaling and mostly observing will strengthen your Clairvoyant abilities further

Are You Clairvoyant? Final Words

I’ve covered what clairvoyance is and talked about the most common signs to determine if you possess this gift, in this article. If you don’t possess every single one of them, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have the wonderful gift of clairvoyance.

It is still likely that you have clairvoyance abilities if the majority applies to you.

If you feel you’re clairvoyant, know that it is truly a gift. But first, you have to work out how to develop and master it to make the most out of your abilities. Once you’ve learned this, you can achieve a lot and live to your fullest potential!
