LIV golfers wore red and black ribbons during the first round of the 2023 Chicago event in support of the Begin Again Foundation. The Saudi circuit players were seen wearing ribbons on their hats at the tournament on Friday, September 22, to support the foundation in a mission to promote sepsis and toxic shock syndrome education.

The Foundation supports people having sepsis. They provide financial aid and also educate people about the infection. According to the official website of the foundation, Sepsis is a body's extreme response to an infection.

Here are early detections of Sepsis:

  • Fever or low temperature
  • Fast heart rate and rapid breathing
  • Rash that does not fade at touch
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Clammy or pale skin
  • Confusion, dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Extreme pain or discomfort
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Convulsions

The foundation was started by Australian golfer Marc Leishman, who now plays on the LIV Golf, and his wife Audrey Leishman.

Audrey is a survivor and had a near-to-death experience in 2015. She is the face behind the mission.

The Begin Again Foundation was started in 2016 and since then they have provided $1,500,000 to support families suffering from sepsis.

The golfers also wore Blue Ribbons to represent HLH awareness at the LIV Golf Chicago event. The ribbons were handed by Smash GC in memory of their staff member Taylor Stern's father. His father died of the disease and the golfers wore the ribbon to spread awareness.

"We are so incredibly thankful" - Begin Again Foundation thanks LIV golfers for spreading awareness

The Begin Again Foundation has expressed their gratitude to LIV Golf players for their support in spreading awareness about sepsis.

They took to their Instagram account to thank the Saudi Circuit players with a caption saying:

"We are so incredibly thankful for @rippergc_ @livgolf_league and all of the players that are showing their support for Sepsis Awareness this week by wearing ribbons."

In 2015, the toxic shock syndrome came dangerously close to taking Audrey Leishman's life. She had an uncommon, potentially fatal bacterial infection.

She spent four days in coma and had just a 5% chance of survival. Fortunately, she was able to beat the illness, and since then, her organization has been raising awareness for it.

Speaking about her condition, Audrey said in one of her interviews that it was a nightmare. She said (via Golf Digest):

“It was your worst nightmare. They went through their nightmare when I was in my coma, and when I woke up it was a big relief for them and that’s when my nightmare started. That’s when I realized what happened to me, and how sick I really was.”

After the first round of the LIV Golf Chicago, Marc Leishman settled for sixth place with a score of under four. Jediah Morgan topped the leaderboard in a five-way tie with Louis Oosthuizen, Sebastian Munoz, Sergio Garcia, and Anirban Lahiri.

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